Get your harvest done faster with an autonomous tractor.
Reduce your labor problems with autonomy.

of MidWest acres are harvested late, causing thousands of dollars of lost income.

The OutRun Retrofit Autonomy Kit
Mounted on the roof of the grain cart tractor, the OutRun kit interfaces with the tractor and enables the combine operator to use a tablet to:
Stage or position the grain cart around the field.
Call for a pickup. Command the grain cart to navigate to and align with the combine for an unload on the go.
Send to truck. Send the grain cart to a predefined truck unload zone so that the grain cart can be unloaded. For 2024, a manual unload of the grain cart is required.
OutRun, a self contained retrofit kit, enables autonomous grain cart operation with John Deere 8R tractors equipped with IVT. Model years 2014 and later supported.

The Problem
Farmers we talk to tell us finding help or the right help when it’s needed is a struggle.
One of the most challenging times to find help is during harvest, when you are running against the clock trying to get your crop off the field before you lose your hard earned yields.
“..the most challenging time to find help is during harvest.”

Timeliness of Harvest
Farmers have a limited window to complete harvest. An extended harvest outside this ideal window leads to a significant reduction in yields. Factors like inclement weather, kernel respiration, quality and disease, and mechanical losses can cost an average farm tens of thousands of dollars of hard earned yield.
Making the best use of you and your workers’ time during harvest is a very important part of running a successful farm.
OutRun gives farmers the flexibility of deploying labor where you need it. If you don’t have any help, you can harvest 50-60% faster with an autonomous grain cart instead of unloading at the headlands.
If you have skilled help, deploy them for critical tasks around the farm instead of tying them to a grain cart all day.
How OutRun helps.
OutRun helps farmers run a grain cart autonomously allowing a more efficient harvest. or by enabling the flexible deployment of labor. Reducing the overall time required to harvest increases the take home income for you.
The following customer case studies show how OutRun can help farms of all sizes benefit from using an autonomous grain cart to preserve their yields. Each example shows a positive return on investment in the first year.
Central Nebraska
Formerly a finance professional, Robert has gotten back into farming and is growing his farm. He farms alone except for regular help after 4pm.
900 Acres
80% Corn
20% Soybean
Jim & Nate
Western Nebraska
Father and Son that farm together as Nate takes over the operation. They harvest well into December due to the lack of help.
1,600 Acres
40% Corn
40% Soybean
20% Other
Western Iowa
Chase is a professional farmer. He typically has 4-5 guys helping him throughout the year. OutRun fills his first roster spot, allowing him to deploy labor where he needs it.